This is such a powerful interaction about "taking action." I always have to pause when I watch it and pay close attention. It's been a few years since we recorded it, but it’s as relevant as ever.
How do 'you' go about making change happen? Do you 'talk' more than you 'do'?
There's nothing wrong with talking about it and thinking it through, but those words can become empty, if we don't find a way to take steps toward systems change.
We have to work to get upstream of these issues, so that problems never occur. That takes more than the primitive, partisan brain. We need to think vertically, not in a horizontal, zero-sum way.
How can we think from the top rung of the ladder so that we are inclusive of all points of view and aware of our blind spots? That takes different types of ‘brainwork’ that sets aside bias and the lazy heuristics that betray our ability to build a proper community.
You should be doing your own SWOT analysis in your head.
And if you watched the video on the Delta Project Youtube channel, subscribe. We are going to be activating more content and creating a nice stream of impactful stories and insights that change narratives about kids and families faced with cross-system involvement.
How will you take action today?